Group 6
School: Temasek Polytechnic
Proposal: Linking Park
Our project is called ‘LINKING PARK’, linking spaces from the ‘ex-new world centre’, and the shophouses and the industrial areas. We are working on SITE 6 which is surrounded by Jalan Barsah Road and Tyrwhitt Road.
Some of the problems observed are firstly; the residents are very sensitive to changes in their neighbourhood. Next, there are a lot of Bag-packers’ Inn, but not much activities for the bag-packers to explore in the site. Moreover, youths are rarely visits the site there are only the jamming studio and the Jalan Barsah Stadium which only holds events one to two times a year. Last but not least, the general flow of movement is the transporter, but not human, traits of the heritage in the site had faded off.
Therefore, we came out with a proposal. We intend to bring back the entertainment in the ‘New World Centre’ to the back alleys. Screening opera, trading of martial arts and the night market are suggested. This will allow the older residents to refresh their memories and feel a sense of belonging. Bag-packers are also able to further understand Singapore’s history better. Next, we propose activities to be organized for the bag-packers. Moreover, we suggest that we have a cultural exchange at the youngsters’ area later on. In addition, we intend to add in Skate Park and street arts whereby, Singapore talents are born. These will be placed at the back alley as it gives a mystical and sense of thrill sense into these activities. Next, we have added a green-sky connector then cuts through commercial shophouses and also the allocated spaces of activities. So that visitors can have an overview of the activity and visits if it interests them.
In conclusion, we will like the site to brighten up its rich historical entertainment and its night life there, allowing not just elderly to be connected to the site but also youngsters. Bag-packers are also able to understand more about the history of Jalan Barsah and have a culture exchange. This will encourage the unity of the visitors of Jalan Barsah.
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