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Facilitators Needed For DMP 3 & 4

A shout out to all! We are looking for 20 facilitators who have outgoing personalities as well as keen insights and a love for architectural explorations to join us for 2 coming DMP workshops. Sign up NOW!

Young Urbanist Programme Season 1

The Young Urbanist Programme [YUP] held on Monday 10th March 2008, was a 1-day workshop initiated by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and executed in collaboration with [re:act] and held at the URA Centre.
Young Urbanist Program

Design My Place at HCI

DMP, Workshop
a We just finished the Design My Place (Urban Creativity Workshop) over the weekend. It was nothing short of an amazing experience for the students, the facilitators, the organisers, and our supporters. It was very encouraging to see at the end how well received...

DMP 2 - God Save The Queen!

DMP, Workshop
“A group of junior college and polytechnic students, together with the assistance of aspiring architects and designers, were on a mission to ‘save’ Queenstown estate from its desolate present! Unpredictability is probably the best word to describe the workshop, as we were immersed in the company of wacky teenagers...

Solving the CUBE

DMP, Workshop
CUBE or Challenge for the Urban and Built Environment was a competition that re:ACT organised for the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) under its Architecture and Urban Design Excellence programme (A.UDE) as part of its 35th anniversary celebrations. We took our usual DMP workshop...

Kids Go Wild at URA

Fun, great, cool, creative, interesting, crazy, scary, brain wrecking, spectacular, challenging, the best, excellent, shiok, record breaking, oh my gosh… This was how the primary 5 students had described the pilot YUP workshop yesterday. Held at URA Centre...

Facilitators needed for Design My Place Workshop

Friday, May 15, 2009 Reporter: Unknown 0 Responses

A shout out to all passionate, fun-loving individuals who enjoy interacting with and inspiring youths through a series of creative design workshops which are planned for in May and June 2009. We are looking for 20 facilitators who have outgoing personalities as well as keen insights and a love for architectural explorations.

This series of workshops are built upon previous editions of Design My Place held in 2007 and 2008. Please visit to understand more about these workshops and see the fun everyone had! A recent article report on the event was published in the Singapore Architect magazine Issue 249.

In this latest edition of Design My Place, 2 workshops will be held in the months of May and June 2009. The first, DMP (Woodlands) will be held at Republic Polytechnic from the 29-31 May. The second, DMP(Bedok) will be held at Temasek Junior College from the 8-10 June.

If you are interested or know someone who might be, feel free to contact Project Coordinator, Joshua Teo at

Design My Place 3 (Woodlands)
Republic Polytechnic
29-31 May 2009
9am-6pm daily

Design My Place 4 (Bedok)
Temasek Junior College
8-10 June 2009
9am-6pm daily

Design My Place is sponsored by:
Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)
Architecture & Urban Design Excellence (A●UDE) Programme (URA)


CUBE 2009 with URA

Friday, May 15, 2009 Reporter: Unknown 0 Responses

CUBE or Challenge for the Urban and Built Environment was a competition that re:ACT organised for the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) under its Architecture and Urban Design Excellence programme (A.UDE) as part of its 35th anniversary celebrations. We based the event on our usual DMP workshop framework but threw in a healthy dose of competition to spice things up a bit and to spur the different schools to come up with innovative ideas for the Chinatown area. The result was, we had one of the most creative and stimulating workshops ever with students trying to outdo each other, what with their dramatic presentations and out-of-the-box ideas!

Mr Khoo Peng Beng, priciple architect of ARC Studio and also a great friend of re:ACT was brilliant as usual in his role as Chief Facilitator. Leading a panel of architects and urban planners, he pushed, prodded, shaped and expanded the minds of the young padawans from different schools to come up with 10 awesome strategies to improve the built environment around Chinatown.

In the end, there could only be one winner. Hwa Chong Institution impressed the jury panel the most and walked away with the 1st Prize of $2,000 cash. This was presented to them and the rest of the winners (Temasek Polytechnic - 1st Runner-Up and Serangoon Junior College - 2nd Runner-Up) at the 2008 URA Corporate Plan Seminar on 17 April 09. More photos after the link.

Media Coverage:


Design My Place 2 - God Save the Queen!

Friday, May 15, 2009 Reporter: Daniel Lee 0 Responses
A group of students from junior colleges and polytechnics, together with the assistance of aspiring architects and designers, were on a mission to ‘save’ Queenstown estate from its desolate present!”

Volunteering as facilitators for this edition of Design My Place, an urban design workshop organized by Really Architecture (re:ACT), we knew that it was going to be an unforgettable experience. Initially we felt scared and concerned, but at the end of the third day, we were extremely proud of the work that the student participants had produced. We were scared and concerned because they seemed quite lost at the beginning, but they managed to progress so much within a short period of time. Unpredictability is probably the best word to describe the workshop, as we were immersed in the company of wacky teenagers who called themselves either “12 funky bunnies in rugged jeans” or “we rock, pebble & roll!”.

Their ideas were shooting around like missiles in the air, but it was more hilarious than treacherous. They wanted to ‘zeng!’ (Their colloquial term for ‘inject life’) Queenstown in a number of radical ways. Below are two examples,

1. They proposed a cemetery in the estate since there were already so many old people who were approaching their afterlife. However, the cemetery was also meant to incorporate a restaurant or cafe as well. The older generation might like the idea of dining or hanging out with their deceased friends & family. The big plus was also that the living could be assured that after they had passed on, they would have visitors to their graves, assuming they had friends of course! Loneliness after life is cured.

2. They agreed that the older generation should still lead an active sex life, and even though the years were catching up with them, the old folks should not be deprived of a second chance in their love life. Thus, a dating agency for them was proposed, for the single or widowed amongst them of course! Having a mate keeps them happy & active.

The above is just the tip of the iceberg.

By the third day, the students had sacrificed probably a million brain cells, but they still persisted on despite the demanding requirements of the programme. They drew, they crafted, they argued & they acted to sell their ideas across; and were also able to withstand the harsh comments of the evil critique panel. It was indeed a commendable effort for these first-timers in urban design. We as facilitators felt that the objectives had been met, and we hoped that the student’s minds had been opened and their thinking challenged.

Finally, the best way to end off the workshop was watching a group of studious looking boys let their hair down, monkey around and practice their break dancing moves while we had our dinner. We (or rather, I) finally understood what it felt like when people say that old folks enjoy seeing children play.

Ong Sheng Hua


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Design My Place